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Deze pagina is nog in ontwikkeling, maar hier is alvast een blik in mijn boekenkast.
Berg, Elizabeth - Open House
Binchy, Maeve - Tara Road
Bohjalian, Chris - Midwives
Clarke, Breena - River, Cross my heart
Danticat, Edwidge - Breath, Eyes, Memory
Dubus, Andre III - House of Sand and Fog
Hamilton, Jane - A Map of the World
Hamilton, Jane - The Book of Ruth
Haynes, Melinda - Mother of Pearl
Hegi, Ursula - Stones from the River
Hoffman, Alice - Here on Earth
Manette Ansay, A. - Vinegar Hill
McGarry Morris - Mary - Songs in Ordinary Time
Miller, Sue - While I Was Gone
Mitchell, Jacqueline - The Deep End of the Ocean
Morgan, Robert - Gap Creek
Oates, Joyce Carol - We Were the Mulvaneys
O'Dell, Tawny - Back Roads
Quindlen, Anna - Black and Blue
Reynolds, Sheri - The Rapture of Canaan
Schlink, Bernard - The Reader
Schwartz, Christina - Drowning Ruth
Shreve, Anita - The Pilot's Wife
Tademy, Lalita - Cane River